Dear Nittan customer
We have been made aware that Advanced Electronics Ltd intend to make changes to their longstanding MxPro 4 (MX4000) Panel range in the near future, that includes making Nittan MxPro 4 loop cards and MxPro 4 Panels containing Nittan loop cards obsolete from 1st August 2020.
Although the notice period given by Advanced was short, as a manufacturer of product heavily reliant on electronics components ourselves we understand how scarcity of older components can affect the viability of older products.
We are aware many Nittan evolution systems have been installed over the years using the Advanced MxPro 4 panels and would urge any customer who may be affected by Advanced decision to consider their future spares requirements, and place orders on either Advanced or Nittan before the end of July to ensure supply.
On a more positive note, please be assured that the Advanced MxPro 5 panel range continues to be readily available and fully supports Nittan protocol, this includes enhancements that unlock support for all of our newer devices and variants such as –Ve Short Circuit Isolator products, which the older MxPro 4 range did not. Therefore making the older panel obsolete will make it easier and simpler to choose an Advanced panel that supports the full range of Nittan devices and will future proof support for any new Nittan product enhancements.
So to summarise:
For new installations there are no problems using the MxPro5 panel and Nittan devices.
For retro-fit applications the MxPro 5 is suitable as a “drop in” replacement for an MxPro 4 and will network with both panel types. The major difference is the MxPro 4 series supported “Positive” (+Ve) SCI devices only, whilst the MxPro 5 series supports both “Positive” (+Ve) and “Negative” (-Ve) SCI’s, although care should be taken in device choice, as it is not possible to mix Negative and Positive Short Circuit isolators without risking damage to the panel.
For further details, please do not hesitate to contact Nittan Technical Support.